Yes we had sun again today, 2 days in a row - just felt amazing, sitting out there and getting the Vitamin D. The weather forecast is still for no rain for the next 7 days, but I am not going to get to excited yet, as we all know that the weather forecast is not something to believe until the day. But it did feel nice sitting out in the sun, though the wind was still a bit chilly, all that was missing is the ocean :).
Ok on too food and what plan we well me more than we have decided, I have decided to do weight watchers and stick with it, (I had already paid for 2 more months), basically cut out junk food. Hopefully with the warmer weather, means that the price of tomatoes/cucumbers/salad stuff etc will become cheaper, it makes it so much easier to watch my food in the summer, cause salads have a huge part with meals in the summer as well as BBQ's. And though I like the easiness of lower carb, it is just not strict enough for me, for where I am now, I can still overeat etc... maybe once I have lost some more weight and feel confident with my eating and got my portion size back under control, then I will relook at low carb, this maybe after the two months I have already paid for WW.
Now saying all that, I am still not going to eat a lot of high carb foods, like rice, pasta, potatoes, sugar, high carb fruit, though I am going to finish of my bananas, weather I continue with those in my protein drink I will decide when I have finished them off, and might look at adding berries instead of bananas. Thank god strawberries are in season soon :). I have lower carb bread to finish off, and might switch back to paleo bread after that.
So there we have it, tomorrow is my offical weigh in, and will keep it a Monday, this will control my eating over the weekend, knowing I am weighing in each Monday. I have gained weight since I am back from holiday, I used the old excuse well I am not starting till Monday so I can eat whatever I want till then..... yes stupid way to think, but I know a lot of us can relate to this way of thinking.
Am meeting the physio tomorrow at the gym, so not sure what the exercise plan will be, weather it be back at the pool once or twice a week or what, so once I have spoken to her tomorrow I will know more about what the exercise plan will be.
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