Sunday, 10 November 2019

Time again.......

I lost my way - after my visit to the surgeon back in October, I got told no work till mid December, to be reviewed at next appointment, which is now in just over two weeks time. This took me down a downward spiral, I was really hoping I could have started doing the odd set of nails, some good things have happened, like not having to wear the splint anymore in the daytime, and I am able to do light to moderate activity with that hand. I still have minimal movement and that will take up to 12 months recovery to see how good it will get. It has been 16 weeks since surgery on Tuesday - WTF - I should have been fully recovered if it had been straight forward at 12 weeks, basically they did reconstruction surgery of the tendons in my wrist. 

I have asked my hand therapist if I can start back at the gym just doing the treadmill and bike, I am honestly losing my insanity doing nothing, hopefully I will hear back from her tomorrow or Tuesday, she will probably say I need to ask the surgeon in two weeks. At my last surgeon appointment, he told me he always gets nervous when I come for my check up, cause the surgery was so touch and go with the tendons. I do still have major issues with the middle and ring finger, but am hoping that will strengthen over time. He said once he hits six months, he will start to relax lol - It is the worst muck up of tendons he has ever seen, and feels it is prob one of the worst in the world... (He is a hand specialist/surgeon). And these last couple of years these so called doctors kept saying the pain was in my head, and I couldn't possibly be feeling the screws - these bloody doctors still make me so angry the way they treated me, and told me the pain was bullshit. As you can tell I am still on a downer about it all..... yes I know there are people out there worse than me, but this my story and I am allowed to be pissed. 

The last couple of weeks I have been doing some stuff in the nail room, re-swatching stuff etc....

Not a lot else has been happening, still only doing minimal driving, I need to snap out of this funk somehow, but have no flippin idea how right now. This next coming week, I am going to try and focus on one positive thing each day.....

Am not sure when I will post next, maybe tomorrow or  maybe not.....

Oh and weigh in and food - yeah I know you all want to know, well lest just say I have not followed any plan or have I weighed.... tomorrow I am going to aim to get back on track. 

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