Friday, 4 January 2019

Oh mannnnnnnn.....

Things have not quite gone to plan, my cyst is getting worse by the day, today we had an x-ray and we go for an ultrasound on the 16th Jan (next available appointment), until then not much I can do except keep it splinted to help with pain. We are probably going to drain it first and see if it stays away. It even gets painful using it to type - hence why no real posts, also not a lot has happened, have not been back to the gym yet, maybe next week, it is just so bloody hot. 

Weight: I am weighing every day, and though I am not being perfect food wise, the scales are slowly coming down, and for now I am happy about that :).

Am still doing nails, but keeping them to a minimum due to the cyst.

David goes back to work on Monday, Chris and his girlfriend have been here since Tuesday night and they go back to Auckland on Sunday. Steph has just spent about 10 days in Leigh with her dad and friends, so we were babysitting the bunny, he went home last night, so life is getting back to normal. 

I have not really left the house in 2 weeks, apart from the supermarket and doctors appointments. As I have just changed brands with nails, I have spending time doing new swatches and just rearranging the nail room a bit, changing things around. 

Tonight David and I are going to Cobb n Co for dinner, have not been there in ages, there food is so so, it seems to depend on the chef on the day, looking at feedback. 

We have been having 26 - 27 degrees the last week or so, it is just a tad warm, cant wait for winter lol. Actually it is quite nice sitting in the breeze on the deck in the shade, cooler than inside. We dont have air conditioning, though am seriously thinking about getting it, if we are probably going to be living here another 9 or 10 years.

Anyway thats it for now - catch you soon :)

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