Monday 12 November 2018


I am back, went to the gym, and loved it, yip loved every minute of it..... managed to burn 1051 active calories. Breakfast was a good choice, a slice of low carb toast, with some scrambled egg, ham and a little cheese. I also am back drinking water and not just diet coke. Stress should be a lot less now, that I can get back into a routine. It's been about 2 weeks since I last went to the gym. 
Yes I did weigh in, the scales were not kind to me, but nobody's fault but my own. I ate like a pig, I didn't care and did I say I just didn't care, well I do care now, but at the time I didn't...... But I am back, I am not giving up, so we start again. 

We purchased one of those spiral vegetable things, so we can make zucchini noddles etc....., we had them on Saturday night with butter chicken. I need to find different ways top cook these noodle things :). 

One thing I have noticed over the last few weeks, is that my pain level in my wrists/arms has increased heaps. There could be a number of reasons for this, pain med reduction, eating crap high carb foods, the wet/colder weather we have been having. But I am looking forward to the decrease in pain..... we have no junk food in the house, and I have said to David that when we go to the supermarket we are not allowed to ask each other if we want a treat. 

Food wise, what am I going to do, I was thinking WW (apparently it is now called WW not Weight Watchers as it is supposed to be based on the more holistic sort of diet, or something like that anyway lol), anyway decided I didn't want to track food as it also leaves me open to treats if it fits in my points, this also means that calorie counting is out for me as well. I was thinking lower carb, (keto is just to strict for me), this counts out eating sugar/carbs foods which is what I need. I then thought just eating normal everyday healthy food, avoiding sugar and processed foods, which means fruit is still on the list, but limiting to max 3 pieces a day. I would love this option as what ever I choose has to be a life long choice. I would still be limiting my carbs (mainly processed carbs), but any vegetable will be fine. 

Anyway that's it for now....... 


  1. I been thinking along the same lines, even though I am locked into a contract with WW I am not tracking..I want to just eat healthy...avoiding all the crap, limit the carbs and processed food and hope the scales go down.

  2. I been thinking along the same lines, even though I am locked into a contract with WW I am not tracking..I want to just eat healthy...avoiding all the crap, limit the carbs and processed food and hope the scales go down.
