Monday 26 November 2018


I am not going to lie, I am really struggling, I have lost motivation for anything. 

I know it will come back, am hoping it will be sooner rather than later. I didn't go to the gym today, for no reason except I couldn't be bothered. I wont be going tomorrow, have courier parcels that are arriving in the morning, that I need to be home for (work stuff), I could go after but I wont, so I am not even going to  pretend that I am even thinking of going. 

I know I never mentioned food in the last post, I did mean too, but somehow just forgot too..... Food is about 60% good, 40% bad, I need to change that around. I have not weighed and am dreading the first weigh in, I know I have gained, I can feel it, and I know not weighing is doing more harm than good.

The pain in my wrist/hand is a little better (I think), but until I do some nails and go back to the gym, I wont really know for sure. I go to the doctor on Friday morning. Tomorrow I plan to spend most of the day in the nail room, reorganising a bit, and swatching all the new stuff that has/is arriving in. 

Ok thats the negatives, let's focus on the positives, this weekend, I am going to set up the Christmas tree in the lounge, and hopefully the nail room. Feeling Christmasy might make me feel more positive. 

I do plan to go to the gym on Thursday, though a part of me is thinking just start on Monday with a new week, food and exercise wise. I do know the pain in my wrist/hand is playing a huge part in how I am feeling, nerve pain sucks big time. Even just typing this up is causing me to spasm, I need to remember that I am not doing any damage so need to keep using it, no matter how painful. Oh thats right, we are suppose to be talking about the positive ;).

Anyway thats it, catch you later - am really going to try and get into the Christmas spirit this week and that will perk me up :). 

1 comment:

  1. I am in the same boat, but food is 80% bad.
    Today I weighed...not good!! Tomorrow starts a new me time to use the ww tools that I am paying for and been wasting.
    I hope you are not struggling as much....on with the positives...
