Monday 2 July 2018

2nd July 2018 and then shit happens.... :(

Really enjoyed the pool today, didn't sleep well last night, to many things going around in my head, so the pool was nice and relaxing :)

Yesterday at the gym, I did the treadmill again, and upped the incline, I had 1 minute to go and knew I should have decreased the incline, cause my achillies were playing up, but no I didn't  stubborn me just carried on and I have payed for it since - could kick myself SILLY SILLY SILLY ME.

Today I finally got around to trying the protein powder, I am not usually a huge fan cause they seem to have an after taste, I mixed this one with milk and a banana - and OMG it was so delicious. I highly recommend that brand - you can get it from 'here'

And then the shit happened.... My gym membership also includes the pool (I pay extra for that), the pool used to be run by the council, well now the council voted to shift it to a private company and they are not going to honour the gym memberships with the pool. So we have 2 weeks till they will no longer accept the gym/pool memberships and the prices for the pool will also go up I am sure. It just sucks..... I got an email tonight, I had wondered what would happen with this take over. 
Its going to be to expensive to do both, I just sucks and I have been crying.... I am just so upset and angry at the same time. 


  1. Can you ask your Dr for a green prescription which could cover the extra costs? I don't know much about them but I understand it can cover gym or pool memberships.

    1. I have a green prescription I can use, but it is still expensive. But there is an update in todays blog - when I get to post it.
