Wednesday 12 September 2018

Down down down...

Yes those scales have me at a kilo down now from Monday, its amazing what just a couple of days back on track can do after a binge.... Official weigh in day is Monday :). 

Not a lot else has happened, its a gym free day today, did vacuuming  changed sheets, washing and all the other boring things housework is. My achilles has played up a bit today, I have not rested it as much, so going to rest it now for the rest of the day. Dinner is pretty much done, washing is all dried and folded and put away. I find it bazaar when I see people who wash and then just dump it in a corner till a later date to fold, I think that if you spend 10 minutes folding it, it is done and you can forget about it. I just don't get how people can leave it to pile up for days and days, and then they go looking through the pile too find clean clothes lol. 

And OMG I am starting to think that we might be actually starting Spring, in the sun it is so nice and warm and we have 17 degrees at 4pm.... just wow 19 degrees on Friday lol

And it is still fine here for the rest of the week, and hopefully the weather forecast will be wrong when it is suppose to rain next week. 

So there we have it, another hopefully successful day, (I always struggle in the evenings, I have got into such a habit of eating after dinner, it is hard to break). Thank god summer fruit wont be to far away, give me a chip of strawberries any day. Oh and it was nice to see telegraph cucumbers for only $2.99, tomatoes down to $8.99 a kilo, and lettuce down to just under $2.00 each. But if I lived at the Gold Coast, they would be a hell of a lot less still....... 

Taking one day at a time........ :)

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