Saturday 8 September 2018

OMG we have SUN!!!!!

Yes we have sun, and no rain forecast for a week.... I dont believe it, it is so nice to be sitting outside on the deck, getting some Vitamin D, listening to Joan Jett on Spotify, am loving this playlist, makes me feel young :). It is a little windy, but where I am sitting the wind is partially blocked. 

I really need to get my head around on how I am going to get my eating under control, well not really under control, more on what way I am going to go with food, and just stick with it, I have to make up my mind this weekend, so I can have a start date on Monday, David and I will discuss what is the best option for both if us, I am not going to give up. Oh thats right, my blood pressure was down a little, so we have reduced the morning methadone, now only on 1/2 a tablet at night, which will be reduced in 4 weeks, that will be one down and ?? to go :). 

I need to keep my goal of moving to Aussie in my mind, cause I want to be off all my meds (pain and blood pressure meds), by the time we go. I need to be 100% healthy, ok I will settle for 95% healthy. The one thing I miss the most, is the sound of the waves, waking up to them is just amazing. 

No gym this weekend, as physio wants me to rest up my foot, this include no extra walking, I must admit it is feeling a little better already. Though when I walk on it more than just to the loo it starts playing up, I think we will be starting back at the pool next week, walking in water (not aqua jogging), she wants me to be able to touch the bottom. That means it is the outside pool and that is so much colder than the indoor..... suppose the good news is I will get a bit of a suntan :). 

This weekend, consists of sitting round alot, resting and elevating the foot, was suppose to do a set of nails today, but this has changed till tomorrow now :). 

Thats it from me, catch you later :)

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