Thursday 1 November 2018


Yip I have been missing in action for a couple of days - why because shit all has happened, had nothing really to report. 

Not too has much happened, waited for sky, they changed the sky box out, but we still seem to be having some issues ggggrrrrrrr. Had a few nails to do and that was about my day :)

Today we worked a new gym routine for upper and lower body, as I was getting bored with the old one, and finding it no longer a real challenge, so the next one is more challenging so looking forward to getting back into it. Was busy with clients today again, so that was about it for Wednesday.

Now onto today, no gym, it is pouring with rain and just yuck and did I mention cold, it is the 1st November and it is only 11 degrees with a high of 14 and thunderstorms. So why no gym, well because Miss Chico, she tresses with thunder and heavy rain and has had seizures in the past, so we try not leave her alone when this happens. I might do part of my workout at home, as I have a swiss-ball, weights, stepper etc... 

This afternoon have clients again and I will do my nails as well seeing as I have the time today. 

So there you have it, and yes the stress situation is still there.... but hey for now cant do to much about it. 

1 comment:

  1. Hope the stress situation eases...
    And as for the weather...we haven't got the thunderstorms but its still cold!! November is usually shorts and T-shirts here !!
