Saturday 26 January 2019

Today I start and actually continue.....

Thats it, no more fucken excuses, I weighed in and yip those dreaded numbers went up. If I dont start now, god knows where I will be. 

So as from now, I am back doing lower carb. I hate myself right now, well I love myself, but I hate how weak I am when it comes to food. David is on holiday for 2 weeks, so we are going to get started on this as from now :). 

My car is still in the panelbeaters and should be ready about Waitangi Day (6th Feb).... Oh and they have waived the excess, as they have found the driver, so that is one good thing.

Now my hand, I should get a letter in the mail next week, telling me when approx I should get an appointment (they grade them by how urgent it is). I am at the point that what will be, will hurts more but is bearable for now. Apart of me hope's it might be a few weeks ago, so it will be cooler when I have to wear a splint/cast. It would have been nice to have had it done while David is on holiday but that doesn't look like that will happen. I have been researching ORIF (open reduction and internal fixation) surgery, and ruptured tendons, it appears to be about 3% of people that have ORIF surgery, have complications of some sort with tendons. Usually to do with longer screws than needed, hence why I dont want my surgeon who did my ORIF surgery to do this. 

So there you have it, today we, will go and get some groceries and get started. I am doing lower carb, not keto..... I figure if I can even lose 5 kilos between now and surgery it, has to be good, hell every kilo lost will be good :). 

Catch you soon, and enjoy the long weekend, for those that have it :). 


  1. Hi I was wondering if you have ever considered lap band surgery? or joining Jenny Craig ? i think Jenny craig is great it might give you the kick start you need to keep going you have been struggling for so long (like me} I am about 15 kilos from my ideal weight range now...It is such a struggle...Hope your op goes well.


    1. Congrats on being that close to to your ideal weight range, must feel so good. I had thought about surgery, but the cost factor is over $20,000, and for now that is out of our price range. Also I know so many people that have had surgery and 5 years later most have all gained nearly of their weight back. And I dont believe in Jenny Craig, I have heard so much negativity about it, I think Jenny Craig would be my very last attempt. There are food boxes here now, which cater to low calories, or Low Carb, or whatever you want and we are considering that :). Right now I just want to focus on the surgery and hope I get full movement back in my hand :).
