Friday 22 March 2019

Day 17 & 18 on WW...


Today was a gym day, am up to 20 minutes on the treadmill and 20 minutes on the bike, also did a couple lower body machines :). I am going to stay on 20 minutes on the bike and treadmill and focus on getting speed up and upping the interval training on the bike. I will do this for a couple of weeks and go from there :) - oh and the best bit, my achilles is not playing up. 

This afternoon I have an old school friend coming for the night, with her partner, who lives in Holland. He comes over every summer and spends time here in NZ, and she goes over there in our winter. I have known Michelle since I was 5 years old, we both started school the same day and have remained really good friends since then, even if we dont see each other for a year or two, it is one of those friendships that no matter the time apart, it feels like only yesterday when we last spoke :)


Had a really lovely night with Michelle and Tom, we had not caught up for a couple of years, and I stuck to my WW plan and stayed on track, had a BBQ for dinner, so was pretty easy to stay in points - felt good :).

After they left this morning, I went to the gym, felt good, though it was bloody hot in there. My arm started causing a bit of pain on the bike, but only had 5 minutes to go so pushed myself, not sure if that was the right thing to do or not, but have 2 days off now from the gym, and only one client this afternoon, so can rest and splint it up all weekend. Only 18 or 19 more sleeps till my specialist appointment - am really hoping the surgery wont be too much after that but who knows.....

Not sure how weigh in will go next week, I am 99.9% sure it will be a loss, but after 2 good weigh ins, I am expecting that it will be small, I get so tempted to weigh in between, but am not going too, the numbers play with my head too much.

Anyway thats it for now, catch you all in a couple of days :).

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