Friday 8 March 2019

Day 3 & 4 on WW


Today I went to the gym, and boy I so didn't want to go, I did go though and proud of that, I added an extra minute on the bike and treadmill and then did a very small amount of lower body. I am going to go again tomorrow and that will be it for the week. I have decided to leave breakfast till lunch time as I was feeling a little nauseous after the gym, and dont want to throw up again.  

I am also so tempted to weigh in, but trying to only weigh once a week, which is Tuesday. 

Just finished lunch and feel ok, I did chicken breast (boneless and skinless) in a butter chicken sauce, it was yum. have no idea whats for dinner as David cooks tonight, but will work it in my points :).

Been watching a bit of Netflix lately, as I am limiting my clients and suppose to rest my hand/wrist, figure it would be a good time to catch up on some stuff. Have just finished Season 2 of 'Atypical', love that, 'Russian Dolls', 'Working Moms', 'You' and now watching 'Isn't it Romantic', I think I have watched more Netflix in the last couple of weeks, than the previous year lol.

Dinner worked out fine, we had chicken, peas, and kumera Fries, I made sure I had a breast and cooked it in the air-fryer with some herbs, it was bloody nice :).

Day ended really well :)


Did another gym session today, added another minute each on the bike and treadmill. I am actually starting to feel better already, the exercise (though it is limited), is doing me good both mentally and physically. Dont get me wrong I still struggle to get there but am proud that I have done 4 times this week. Once I get to 25 minutes each, I will stop adding minutes and start adjusting the speed etc. 

Food wise, by keeping my portion sizes in control, I am feeling so much better as well, feeling less bloated, and heaps more energetic. I think for now WW is the right decision for me, I am carrying over points, tonight we are having takeaways (we always do on a Friday night), so am going to goggle what fits in my points. 

The weekend will be a struggle for me, I know that already - but I will focus on one hour at a time.

I think I might just keep updating every second day, and put 2 days in 1 entry :). 


  1. Hi

    Do you go to the WW meetings? or are you just sticking to the plan without joining? My friend and I have been going to the meetings.......joined for 3 months


    1. Not going to meetings, doing it online. I much prefer that :)
