Tuesday 5 March 2019

Monday/Tuesday and a little change......


Yesterday I started back doing healthier/lower carb eating again...... I only went once to the gym last week and that was the Monday, today I went again - I did some lower body on just a couple of machines and did the bike and treadmill....

I cant fucking believe how I let myself go again, I have managed to gain 20 kilos from my lowest weight this time round again... everything I do is hard, standing, gym, cooking, putting on socks, tying up shoelaces, everything. I dont even remember eating 20 kilos of shit food, I have to keep going this time and not stop. There is no junk food in the house, just lower carb food and fruit and veges. Also cooking most things in the air-fryer.... steak comes out beautiful so does chicken nibbles, sweetcorn is amazing in it. 

My wirst/hand is getting worse week by week, I am now down to doing 1 client a day, still waiting on an appointment ggggrrrrr, hopefully will get the letter this week. 

I only have 1 client today, well thats all I can really do, without triggering to much pain.


Went to the gym again today, did the bike and treadmill. 

Also rang up the clinic where I am getting my hand surgery, and should hear this week with an appointment, but she said it would be about 4 - 5 weeks away as the surgeon is away until mid March. It is still 2 months earlier than my previous appointment, but with Easter etc, I really dont expect an appointment till early May......

"Maybe TMI" - For breakfast this morning I had 2 slices of lower carb toast and 2 eggs, and as soon as I finished I proceeded to vomit it all up - have no idea why or what caused it. I know at the gym, I pushed it on the bike and treadmill, but didn't think I overdid it that much, but then I am so unfit.... hmmmmmmm. 

Again I have only 1 client again today, and after this I am glad it is only 1 and not until 2pm. 

I have been doing 2 days lower carb, but my portions are just to huge..... so this brings me onto what the fuck am I going to do...... 

I am going to try WW again, yip I know... tried it before and succeeded to lose nearly 30 Kilos a few years ago, then gained it all back plus some, Lower Carb, I have also lost 25 Kilos on it, but then proceeded it gain it all back again.... I need to stick with something and am going to sign up with WW for 4 months, that will bring me to after surgery and recovery, well the worst of the recovery anyway. Cause I know I am scared when for the first 6 weeks, I am not going to be allowed to do anything, and am not going to be able to do much in the way of cooking etc, will be only 1 armed for most of that time.... and am going to be out of control food wise as I will be sitting on my arse and probably just munching out on whatever is easy to open. I would have been on WW for about 6 - 8 weeks by then, so hoping I can keep some control of my portions by then.

So thats what has been happening with me....


  1. geee...hope you get a surgery date soon...

    Do what you have to do re: weight and diet..portion sizes are my big problem too.

    1. Yeah it is my biggest downfall, portion sizes. I will keep on keeping on......

  2. Jackie, I joined Keto New Zealand on fb. I find it an amazing source of information. I know Jen is doing keto as well. Would it help if we posted something each day of what we're eating to help and support each other.

    1. I am also in a few keto FB groups, but for now I just need to focus on portion sizes...... I am still trying to keep my carbs lower within WW.
