Thursday 29 August 2019

Day 4

Yippie another 500 grams down so 1.75 Kilos in 4 days being back on lower carb. Hand/wrist is feeling so much better today, so will go out for another walk sometime today, suppose to get a high of 13 degrees today, it is 10 currently. 

And I forgot to take a photo of the pizza last night, but it was yummmmm, next time I will make sure I have more ingredients to put on it. I added some herbs to the chaffle which was nice :), might make one today for lunch.

Did my walk did 10.55 minutes so a little longer than Tuesday's, also I didn't hold the dog strap in the bung hand and that made a difference. I cant believe how unfit I have become in the last 5 months since I stopped the gym.  Tomorrow it is suppose to rain again :(. 

And this is lunch, I added some parmesan cheese to it and it was really tasty, tonight for dinner is steak and not sure what else with it yet :)

It's another lovely sunny day out there, though it is still a little nippy, but it is so nice having all the doors open throughout the day.

Anyway thats it for now, catch you soon :)


  1. Yum... I need to get a waffle maker. I used to have one but gave it away years ago when I thought it would be no use eating low carb.

    1. Ours had been to the back of the pantry and right now while I cant do much, it has been awesome to use, with only these two ingredients.
