Saturday 21 April 2018

20th & 21st April Updates

FRIDAY 20th April:

Today I went and did an upper body workout, got a little lightheaded towards the end, so gave the stair master a miss, really didn't feel like having a dizzy spell and falling of it lol. 
SATURDAY 21st April:

Today I went to the gym again, and did a lower body workout, felt much better today after it, so think I have finally got rid of the bug I hope. Throat is still a bit sore, but 95% better. Again gave the horrid star master a miss, but am going to go back on it tomorrow, and will do upper body again.

I am not sure how often I will post, I would love to do it daily, but we will see. I want to keep a record of this journey, hell I am even thinking I might have a chance of doing a half marathon again in the future. 

Went to the doctor again yesterday and blood pressure has gone up even more, he feels the virus has a part to play with that, so go back in a months time and try again, until the blood pressure comes down, I can reduce any more of my meds. 

This weekend, no real plans, David worked this morning, I will do gym tomorrow and thats about it for now.

If something really exciting happens I will be back, but the weather is pretty blah so don't hold your breath :).

1 comment:

  1. I'm happy you are feeling a lot better and that being sick hasn't put you off the gym. You're doing fantastic. And yes lunch at Ciccio's. Maybe next week after school hols?
