Sunday 29 April 2018

Sunday 29th April

Well today was going to be a walking day but ummmmm no, why because of this...

It has been pouring with rain since yesterday morning, and that does not make it nice walking, especially with chronic pain, when the rain drops feel like massive heavy golf balls. So as I have been to the gym 5 days this week, today will be a rest day, and in all honesty it might even be a pyjama day. I cant remember when I last had a pyjama day lol.  

I have just rung the pool, and they temperatures are back to normal, yay so swimming tomorrow again and that means a spa after double yay. 

I don't normally work Mondays but have a client later in the morning as well.

Food, when I first started, while not exercising I did lower carb, higher fat where I lost a lot of weight and turned my pre diabetes around to no longer pre diabetic, but as normal with lower carb, higher fat my cholesterol went up. So decided to cut back the fat and still do lower carb. Since I started at the gym, this was no longer working and I actually started gaining weight for what ever reason. But after some trial and error, I introduced some natural sugars/carbs in the way of fruit (bananas etc), and added some more carbs like crackers, and eating a bit more higher carb diet, which shows positive on the scales. I am going to research more today (seeing as it is a stay home pyjama day), about it and may look at other options, when it comes to the diet. On average I burn between 1200 - 2000 active calories a day, and about 3500 - 4000 calories a day. If anyone has suggestions I would appreciate any input please :). 

Well some places here in Rotorua have been put into a state of emergency, with flooding. We have had so much rain, lucky where we live we are fine. My daughters flat is close to being flooded, the rain has eased a little the last few hours, though a rain warning is still in place. Really feel for people here...... what the f**k is happening with our weather lately, the last few years it seems disaster after disaster in different areas of New Zealand. 

Active Calories: 670
Calories: 3289


  1. Jaxx you seem to be doing so well. All the gym and swimming is fantastic Such a pity we don't live closer it would be great. Can't wait to find out what is happening in 12 weeks sounds like such a game changer for you.
    Love reading your blog

  2. Hey. How are things going? Missing your posts :-)

    1. I am updating everyday, are you not seeing them?
