Sunday 6 May 2018

6th May 2018

Today I did a small walk, my achillies was playing up, and also my heal, because of my nerve issues, my heal also feels like it is numb (so I feel like my foot is slipping out from under me - hard to explain), hence why my walks are small, am in the process of building them up again. It is so frustrating...... but I really want to be able to walk a comfortable 3k's a couple of times a week before our trip :)

Food this weekend has been a disaster, consisting of having a pig out on chocolate and chips. Though I am pissed off with myself, I am not going to let it get to me to much as these days are few and far between. I have probably had a pig out 3 times max in the last 8 months.... compared to every day before lower carb. So I am not expecting a loss this week :(.

Pool tomorrow, looking forward to it....... will be good for my achillie, it always feel so good after a swim. 

Its funny how I thought I was strong enough to think I could  have the junk food in the house, well this weekend has proved that wrong and a lesson learnt, I cant have it in the house simple as that.....

Active Calories: 722
Total Calories: 3319

1 comment:

  1. You have a fantastic attitude. Sometimes we need to have a treat as long as we can get back on track. You are doing so well.
