Friday 15 June 2018

14th/15th June 2018

14th June:

Yesterday was a no exercise day, I was busy with nails, so conserved my energy for that. Oh yeah my bottom half of my togs arrived today :)

Nothing else really to report, oh yeah thats right (I know I am not suppose to be on a spending spree, but I could not resist this bag, and it will be brilliant for Aussie..... it should arrive tomorrow :)

15th June:

Today I did something I was not going to do, I weighed in, and I have flipping gained 2 kilos since Monday doing low carb, WTF - how can that be, I will persevere till Monday, in case it is just a glitch, but lets just say I am pissed, which of course will not do my Blood Pressure any good, for the doctors later today gggrrrrrr. So currently watching mindless TV do try and destress. I have not watched morning telly, since the kids were little I think. I am watching channel 3 breakfast show, cant say it is stimulating, so don't think I have missed much over the years lol. 

Oh and I have been monitoring my glucose levels, while doing lower carb as well as counting calories, and they were both in the perfect level, every time I did them, so was pleased with that :)

I changed back to lower carb again, because I was feeling blah.... please let it be a glitch :)

Anyway am going to the gym after the doctor appointment, catch you later :).


  1. Hi, I am not sure what you are eating on low carb but perhaps watch calories too? I would do both until you find a balance.

  2. My problem with the low carb is I am not eating anywhere near the fats & proteins I should be. My calories were only about 1500 calories, so way under what I was doing when calorie counting, they should have been about 2300, but I just wasn't hungry. When I spoke to the trainer, we both came to the same thing, that my macros are way out and though I was eating low carb, my fats and proteins were way to low. When I was doing low carb last time and had success, I was really focusing on the macros as well. So I either need to focus on getting my fats and protein up (which I am hesitant because my cholesterol went up quite a bit with doing this), or to go back to calorie counting and avoid processed carbs and sugars.

    My fats should be about 74% and protein about 20% and it is no where near while doing lower carb, and my carbs about 25%.
