Saturday 16 June 2018

16th June 2018

Well after another 800gram gain again overnight, I am quitting lower carb again, how the f**k can you gain 2.8 Kilos in 5 days of lower carb..... I was losing ok on calorie counting, but the reason I changed, was because I was starting to feel blah..... so though I am counting calories, I am going to make a real effort at keeping the carbs lower rather then higher. Or if I do stay lower carb, I need to up my fats, but then I don't want my cholesterol to go up, hence why I was doing lower carb and lower fat..... why is weightloss so difficult...

I am still hoping to keep my carbs less than 130 grams, would like to aim about 70 - 100 grams per day.

Didn't go to the gym today as I had clients, (I don't normally work Saturdays), but will go tomorrow, oh and went to the doctor yesterday and my blood pressure as come down a fraction, so we are lowering the pain meds a fraction and go back in a month for another blood pressure check and if fine, we will then drop it again... and so on till I am med free...... 

Anyway thats about it for now......


  1. It's terrible when we see a gain but you have done so well. One set back hun. I am in awe of your progress. Keep up the great work. You are an inspiration to me and it is the reason I am blogging again.

    1. Thanks, it is so frustrating...... but I will get there, one minute at a time.... :)
