Monday 18 June 2018


Another day, another swim...... it was pure bliss, and the spa was so nice and warm. 
But by the time I got home, the temperature had dropped, the rain started, so had a nice hot shower, shut all the curtains and turned the heater on. I was not going to freeze, even though I hate feeling all locked in with the curtains closed. And now I am also watching the final few episodes of '13 Reasons Why' part 2. 

We went out to dinner last night, I had lasagne, it was my first pasta in about a year, OMG it was delicious but felt a bit yuck after that, sort of like I ate to much, which I didn't, but just think my stomach was not used to pasta like that.  

After being back on calorie counting for 2 days, I am already just over 800 grams down from my nearly 3 kilo gain in 5 days, doing lower carb. Though I am still watching my carbs, but having them more in their natural state like a banana, which is 29 carbs. 


  1. Sounds like your body is saying that you can't stop carbs. Bodies are weird things aren't they. Great that you enjoyed the swim today.

    1. Yeah, I agree, as long as I try and keep my carbs as natural as possible, it will be well. When I check my glucose after natural carbs like a banana etc, it still is in the excellent range, so figure that is the way it is meant to be for me :). Wish it was simple lol

  2. Oh I didn't realise you were a diabetic. Man you must have written it but it went over my head. My mum got diagnosed as being type II in 2008 and so it's natural in our house hold now. Well not natural but you know what I mean.
