Saturday 14 July 2018

14th July 2018

Yes I have been missing in action for a couple of days...

The day I took the puppies for a walk and happened to mention how cold it was, well I ended up with a kidney infection, so have been hibernating at home, where it is warm with a blanket and the gogglebox, in-between clients. 

Went to the doc yesterday and blood pressure is back up, hopefully more to do with the infection rather than the coming of the pain meds and the pain increase cause of the cold (I go back in 10 days for another BP check). Anyway this got me thinking about how much I have improved over the years, with the CRPS (Complex Regional Pain Syndrome), when I first got diagnosed back in 2011, over the years I have been bed and wheelchair bound, on so many meds I didn't know if I was awake or asleep sometimes. The last 3 years I decided to really work towards my rehab, this meant coming of pain medication (and still coming of them), doing a lot of meditation, using 'Jon Kabot-Zinn', especially his 'pain mediation' ones. Lots of pushing myself with out overdoing it. And it is working, I am in a so much better place than I ever thought I could be, though the pain med reduction has happened so much slower than I ever imagined, I can see a light at the end of the tunnel. I can drive further than 5km's now, I can work a couple of hours a day, am going to the gym/pool, I am not going to lie somedays are still tough, and the pain can still have me in tears.

I am looking forward to the holiday, cause this is the fittest I have been in years, I suppose what I am trying to say is don't give up if you have chronic/nerve pain, it may take weeks/days/years but there can be light at the end of the tunnel. If you had asked me 4 or 5 years ago, if I would be doing what I am doing now, I would have said yeah bloody right, don't talk crap to me, but slowly by making very small changes, I have got to where I am today.

I am thinking of making this blog more of a vlog and also trying to find the courage to put my weight up to make me more accountable, speaking of weight, I have gone up a kilo - why because I have been the carb eating machine, not doing much, no gym, cold miserable weather made me crave savouries so thats what I ate. Even though I was not doing keto/low carb eating, I was still very rarely having processed carbs. Anyway going back to the blog/vlog and making it more personal, I am also thinking of adding meals etc, and more about what I do at the gym etc..... I do know by putting myself out there, some readers will be legit, some will be just nosey (hey we all are and there is always people out there that read certain blogs/vlogs just because... lol), but just maybe I can help one person who suffers chronic pain/CRPS and can see that some people do come out the other end. 

Oh and also because I do enjoy reading/watching blog/vlogs that are open, it seems more real :)

Anyway enough waffling from me, it went out a bit longer that what I expected, I will think about it over the weekend let me know what you think :). 

1 comment:

  1. You've come a long way - keep going!! That holiday is not far away, just keep that as your motivation for now.
