Thursday 19 July 2018

19th July 2018 (Changed my mind again lol)

Yip I have changed my mind again, for some reason I couldn't quite click the 'buy now" on the WeightWatchers registration and figure if I am having so much doubt about it, it is prob not the right time for me. I also watched many videos yesterday about it, and there seems to be a lot of controversy about the new plan and in all honesty I cant be bothered tracking to that extent, with weighing things etc.

So what does that mean..... it means I am going lower carb again (not keto), and this time I am going to increase the fats and not stress over it. I just have to get my head around it...... 

So I weighed in and am going to put my weight on here, hell it is life and I am fat/morbidly obese whatever you want to call it and it will also keep me more accountable. 
I started of at 160kgs (352.7 lbs) and had got down to 136 Kilos (299.8 lbs) but over the last three or so months I lose a bit and gain more than I lost, lose a bit and gain more than I lost and so the cycle goes on, and I keep gaining more than I lose..... enough is enough I have 3 weeks and 6 days till our holiday and I am going to focus on lower carb, and if will keep a rough count of macros, especially the fat. How the fuck I ever got up to 160 I will never know, well actually I do know, not being accountable and not giving a shit about myself.... I could use the excuse chronic pain etc, but to be honest that is only a small part of it, and it came down really to not giving a shit, and just hiding the scales, if I didn't weigh in then I could pretend I was still the same weight as 8 years ago. So here is todays weigh in...... 141.7 Kilos (312.4 lbs). God I feel embarrassed.... (the screen isn't broken, it is just the reflection of windows etc :))
Also went to the gym today and did Cardio, really enjoyed it, I think once I get back from holiday I might include the pool once or maybe twice a week.....
My first goal is to get back to 136 Kilos, then I am just going to focus on 5 kilos losses. I still have 3 bananas left and am going to use those up, but once they are gone I wont purchase them again. Our house is pretty much low carb proof still, so that makes it easy :). 

This morning, I had my protein shake made with almond milk and a little chia seeds and cocoa nibs and a banana. 

I will keep tabs on my carbs, through My Fitness Pal for now. I am also tracking food with carbs, things like eggs and meat ect that are carb free, I wont be tracking.

So there you have it folks...... onwards and downwards from here.

1 comment:

  1. The only reason to do WW is for the support but even then it's certainly not for everyone (didn't work for me). I agree about lower carb but not keto - it seems to be the new catch phrase everywhere. About fat just use it normally and don't obsess about it (as you would have to on WW). It's a constant struggle that's for sure!
