Saturday 21 July 2018

21st July 2018 - Decision Made...

No gym today, having a rest day, my legs are still so sore from yesterday, which is a good thing lol.

Ok now onto this confusing thing of food........ WW v Lower Carb. I am overthinking it all again, so I know for one thing and that is I don't want to track, so WW is a no go, I will ring them on Monday and cancel. I am glad I trialled it though. 

So what does that mean for me, it means I am going to just go back to basics, avoid processed carbs and sugar and keep my carb count to max 150 grams a day, for now and just go from there, though somedays it might be much less but 150 is my max. I need to do what works for me, not what works for joe blog on youtube, or joe blog on the internet. I know my body and know what exercise I do, and I know what I need to do to fuel it. Some will say the carb count is to high, but thats ok, this is about me. I was doing this when I was 6 kilos lighter, once I started mucking around with different ways of eating I started gaining, because I just kept changing things week to week. So thats it and I am not going to change things again. Oh and I am not going to count net carbs, this will be total carbs, hence why it is going to be 150 total max carbs daily.

So thats it, no more changing around things and just keep doing what I am doing. So brunch is bacon, eggs, tomato and low carb bread. I may put my carb count each day on here if I remember. 

I feel better I have made  a decision and I also need to not freak out if I have a gain one week or even two weeks....

1 comment:

  1. Thats it, you have to do what is right for you....
