Thursday 9 August 2018

Another gym session done, last cardio workout before the holiday :).

I am not sure, how many more posts I will be doing here before the holiday, just got a busy few days coming up.

I have been making some plans from our return of our holiday till the end ofd the year. It will be 17 weeks till 2019, I am setting myself a goal to lose minimum 20 kilos in that time. I really need to focus on my food on my return, I am pretty slack the last few months with it, in fact most of this year to be honest. I will still continue with WeightWatchers as I feel for me it is the best option at this stage. I have also been slack with my water, though when we get back hopefully the weather will be warmer and that means drinking water is easier. I am going to get strict and really focus on losing this weight once and for all.

I am also going to start vlogging I think, I will prob vlog one day and then upload that day the next day.... still not sure how often I will do it etc..... something to think about on holiday, which BTW is only 6 sleeps away lol.

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