Tuesday 25 September 2018

Cant believe how much better I am feeling..

Why do we do this, we eat well (in my case low carb), and cant believe how well I am feeling, just after 5 days, then wonder why I stop after a certain time and go back to sugary high carb foods and feel like crap, and forget how good I was feeling while eating low carb...... (hope that makes sense lol)

Anyway on a low carb facebook group, someone mentioned these crackers you can get from the supermarket, today I purchased some and just had some with cheese, and boy they are yummy. There are three flavours but they only had Cumin in our supermarket, the other 2 flavours are Nude and Parmesan. Click 'here' for the link to their website :) Each cracker is about 0.6 grams of carbs, and 9 crackers (a serve) has over 10 grams of protein. 

These little crackers are just so yummy, not cheap at $5.99 for this little packet (which serves 4). They are probably about an inch or an inch & a half  square, so not big but I love them though, and will be purchasing again. When I watch low carbers in the States, I cant believe the amount of low carb foods they have there. 

Today was a gym free day, had a nail client who booked this morning, then still didn't turn up for her appointment. Ggggrrrrrr at first time clients :(. I was thinking of the pool tomorrow, but being only 2 degree's don't think I will be there, as the pool is outside, so will probably be a gym session instead. 

Tonight for dinner, I made a low carb bacon and egg pie, I think David is going to his sisters for dinner, I don't want to go it is far to cold today and the weather is just horrible. I am already snuggled up in PJ's with the heater on and all cozy and it is only 5.15pm :). 

Wow had a couple of small pieces of bacon and egg pie and forgot how filling it is. 

Am really enjoying doing makeup again and playing around with the new stuff, its been ages since I enjoyed doing makeup.

Anyway thats it for today...... 

1 comment:

  1. At the moment I can’t string one good together, let alone 5 so well done to you. Keep it up.
