Thursday 18 October 2018

Thursday 18th October

Wednesday’s Final Update:

This was a gym free day, hence why no exercise points, water still slack...

Today was another gym day, really enjoying being well enough to go regularly again, it makes me think it might have been med withdrawal side effects…. who knows but am loving feeling good again.

Today I did 15 minutes on the treadmill, still only at speed 3, and doing 2 minutes 0 incline, 3 minutes at level 6 incline, and still no issues with the Achilles. It says I only walked 15m, for some reason my watch doesn’t seem to get the distance correct, especially when going slow, It was 750 metres J. The rest of the gym session was the hand cycling and core/lower body. I didn’t work up a sweat much, but man my legs felt like jelly. Burnt a total of 816 active calories.

Today has been another semi busy day, with nails etc… tomorrow am not sure if I can get to the gym, have a doctor appointment in the morning, then straight after that I have clients, before the long weekend. Starting to do Halloween nails, makes a nice change J

Spring is here today, we finally got over 20 degree’s yippee, and we are supposed to go up to 21 degrees for the long weekend, might even get to have a BBQ, lower carb is so much easier in summer. 

Have been watching and reading plus size vloggers/bloggers, and body positivity, I am in 2 minds about this, one being that yes I believe no matter what size you are, you deserve to be respected, but what really annoys me about these plus size vloggers/bloggers is how they go on, about how they love their size etc and am body positive, yet go and photoshop their photos 3 sizes smaller etc…. and just because you can fit into 1 size 16 outfit, does not make you a size 16, when the rest of your clothes are in the 20’s. If you are really body positivity then why try and lie about your size, or photoshop the heck out of your photos. Granted not every vlogger/blogger does this, but it seems more and more do, especially those in the early 20’s. What made me mention this, I was watching a plus size vlogger the other day, and she managed to squeeze into a size 16,(1 piece) and proceeded to tell everyone she was a 16, but never shows her other clothes sizes, and looking at her on YouTube, you can see she is definitely not a size 16. I know of a young lady in her early 20’s who is a size 16 (true size), and she was watching this woman on YouTube, and asked me if she really looked that big as she is a true size 16, this made her really upset to think she was as big as this particular YouTuber. This makes me so sad to think that she is probably one of many young ladies/girls and how they see themselves like this. Being YouTube etc, there is no accountability for these people, anyway rant over.

Best I get going and finish folding the washing, and start thinking about what is for dinner.

1 comment:

  1. Seriously don't waste time on these people. I do know that a size 16 US is larger than our 16 but I hate the deception of many people online. Yay, yes spring is here and summer is just around the corner!!
