Saturday 13 April 2019

Day 37 - 40 on WW


Ok lets go back to Wednesday, when I had the specialist appointment, lets just say it didn't go as planned.....

Basically there is another delay as the ultrasound, does not give enough info, he is not sure if the screws actually caused the rupture, one thing for certain is that there is a rupture, and thats the only certain thing. So now I have to go for a CT Scan or MRI, not sure if we can do a CT scan due to the metalware in my wrist, he is going to find out and get either one done. If it is not the screws causing the rupture, then the metalware will stay in, so thats a bonus. Another thing is that if it is a straight rupture caused by something else, this doctor might be able to do it under a local anaesthetic, but if not then he has to do a referral to an orthopaedic specialist, which will delay things by another 4 - 8 weeks, as it will require a general anaesthetic.

They have said they will not be removing or doing anything where the rupture's ends, (one end in the arm, the other in the top of the hand), as it has been 6 months since it happened and it will have fused to a bone or something like that. This is what is causing a lot of pain, he has said hopefully the pain will go, otherwise it might always be there. 

I have not cancelled my Tauranga appointment, with the actual hand surgeon (June 10th), I have approached ACC and am thinking of just going with him now, and they can't see it as a problem, as by the time they do the CT Scan/MRI and get another appointment with the Hamilton doctor, we will be looking at close to June 10th anyway. I am also thinking a second opinion wont be a bad thing. The only reason I changed to this Hamilton doctor was because he could see me quicker. 

I have been angry/frustrated/pissed and every other emotion I could do over the last few days. I have also been thinking about the gym and thinking that if I have to do just the bike/treadmill/elliptical for the next how many months, I am going to go loopy. So have made a decision to add some more exercises in, I am going to TRY and not be stupid and overdo things, but no promises. I suppose if I do more damage I might get seen quicker lol. I am going to set up a programme this weekend, and I am also going to add a gym session on the weekend as well. This will take me to 5 sessions a week. I suppose a positive of the delay is that I have more time to get healthier and fitter.

So all this now delays things another few weeks/months, which led me to frustration, which we all know what that means 'FOOD". I have eaten anything I wanted and didn't give a shit, but this can not continue, I am not weighing in this week as I am in denial, but I am tracking my food as from today again, and wont weigh in till Friday and hopefully any damage I have done, will be undone by then. I also have a slightly busier week with nails, so that will help to keep me a bit busier, I keep thinking oh bugga, I will wait till Monday to get back on track, and I am struggling today but am really hope I can get through today tracking and staying within my points.... one day at a time. 

Autumn is well and truly here, and winter isn't far behind, today we have alow of 4 degree's what the...... that is to bloody cold. 

So there you have it, plan to be back on track with posting again of every 2nd day, so see you all Monday.

Have a great weekend and drive safe :).

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