Monday 22 April 2019

Day 48 & 49 on WW


David ended up staying the night at his sisters place, as his brother is also up from Wellington and staying there. It was nice to sleep with no snoring lol.

Today was going to go to the gym, but decided to do an at home cardio workout courtesy of 'HASfit', kinda enjoyed it lol - nice for a change, anyway still burnt a nice amount of active calories. I also did some core work after :).

Tomorrow will be a gym day, prob just make it a cardio day, seeing as the workout this morning had a combination of upper body and lower body. 

Might do some nail swatches later today.....

It's so hard when you have a child that is hurting, once they reach adulthood, a hug just know longer fixes everything, yet in a mothers eye's they are still so little and all you want to do as as a parent is protect them. 


Did go to the gym today, even though I didn't feel like it, I slept like crap, it was pissing down with rain and just felt blah.... I was also really sore from yesterdays workout cause I didn't wear a splint. 

But I did go, I did 30 minutes bike ride, and did 3 leg machines......

I am planning to go again tomorrow, and plan to do 30 minutes bike again and not sure what else, will depend on how my wrist/arm feels. 

Went to Reduced to Clear and found these 2 Scooby dog toys, for only $1.99 each, the dogs love them - not the best of photos and yes we have 2 rugs in the kitchen cause Rusty likes to run and get his toy from there, and the wooden floor is to slippery on his knees.... Might go back tomorrow and get some more toys for when these ones get ripped apart  lol.

I was proud of myself, we all know they have all this cheap junk food, like 3 huge KitKat Mint chocolates for $5.00 - happens to my most favourite chocolate but I left it there, though I did buy a bag of popcorn which I will track. 

Anyway thats it for today - catch you all on Wednesday :). 

1 comment:

  1. Proud to say I resisted all Easter chocolates too!!
